EG 1004 SLDP - Locked In Box
EG 1004 SLDP - Locked In Box
The Locked In Box was my Semester Long Design Project for the EG 1004 course at NYU Tandon. The box was created with only the tools provided to us by the school, with a few extra components ordered off of Amazon.
The Locked In Box was my Semester Long Design Project for the EG 1004 course at NYU Tandon. The box was created with only the tools provided to us by the school, with a few extra components ordered off of Amazon.
Help break your phone reliance by locking it away when there is work to do.
Help break your phone reliance by locking it away when there is work to do.
The box is made of birchwood with some limited inexpensive circuitry. It box is easy to recreate and allows the user to help manage their own self control when it comes to device, or any object, usage. If it were to go to market, the margins would be good even if it were sold at an inexpensive price to the consumer.
The box is made of birchwood with some limited inexpensive circuitry. It box is easy to recreate and allows the user to help manage their own self control when it comes to device, or any object, usage. If it were to go to market, the margins would be good even if it were sold at an inexpensive price to the consumer.
Product Pitch Slides:
Product Pitch Slides:

Schematic Diagram
Individual laser cut pieces of wood are very thin and managable
Parts List:
Parts List:
Arduino UNO
Angular Servo (3x)
Button (3x)
Liquid Crystal I2C Display
9V Battery
2 Pieces 12 x 24 x 1/8 inch birch wood
Programs/Machinery used:
Programs/Machinery used:
Epilog Fusion Edge Laser Cutter
Arduino IDE
Coded in C++
Ultimaker 3 3D Printer
Soldering Iron and Solder
Circuit Diagram
I was the team leader of this project. I ensured everything was working on schedule, turned in on time, and oversaw most coding and designing operations.
I was the team leader of this project. I ensured everything was working on schedule, turned in on time, and oversaw most coding and designing operations.
Group Members:
Group Members:
Joseph Jiminian
Andrew Chacon
Bipul Banjade